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Collection: Active Serums | Australia

Active Serums - Serum for All Your Needs

Sometimes you might think you need a Ph.D. in cosmetology or dermatology to know which products are best for you. Take the example of serum. You might often think about how they differ from moisturisers and why you should use them.

The serum is a dermatologist-recommended skin care product having the perfect concentration of the required component. These offer exceptional benefits to the skin on regular usage. Different types of serums are available in the market, from hydrating serum to acne-prone skin serum to face brightening serum.

Dr. Saba Qutub Prepares One of the Best Face Serum Australia

All the products at Doctor Saba Qutub are free from all harmful chemicals. All the ingredients added to the serum are recommended and approved by dermatologists and are very beneficial for the skin. The support and guidance of the best doctors and skillful team for the preparation of serum make us create the best face serum Australia.

Serum Benefits

Various types of serum offer different benefits to different skin types. The primary key is to find and go for the serum that offers tons of benefits to your skin, such as antioxidant properties, hydrations, etc. The active ingredients in the serum have more concentration and show a potent effect on the skin.

How to Use Serum?

Everyone has different skin types, but on average, everyone should have about seven weeks to let their skin respond. However, generally, you should have serum all over your face. Some dermatologists recommend using it twice daily, once at night and once in the morning. Furthermore, the use of the serum may depend entirely on your needs and the prescription by your dermatologist.

Different Types of Serum

Anti-ageing Serum

These serums are specialised to reduce the symptoms of ageing. It is a combination of the components or made for one ingredient that reduces wrinkles and fine lines in regular applications. People of any age and skin type can use this serum to prevent the development of symptoms of ageing.

Antioxidant Serum

The antioxidant serum protects the skin from free radicals. The free radicals damage the cells and lead to ageing; thus, preventing free radical formation is crucial. These serums are ideal for all skin types. The best serum for this purpose is Niacinamide serum, vitamin E and C, and other Active serums.

Hydrating Serum

As the name suggests, the hydrating serum provides the required moisture to the skin. In comparison, moisturiser hydrates your skin without any sticky appearance like cream. If you have an oily skin type and want something to reduce the oil on your face, you should go for hydrating serum. It is also the best-dehydrated skin and skins that are prone to breakouts. Hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient of hydrating serum.

Acne Prone Skin Serum

These types of serum are best suitable for suppressing acne. It is best suitable for acne-prone skin. Different kinds of ingredients are best suitable for reducing the pimples and pores on the skin.

Colour Correcting Serum

These types of serum are generally used for hyperpigmented skin and dark spots. The one looking for even skin tone should go for a colour-correcting serum. Colour correcting serum will brighten your skin and give you an extra glow. You can go for the serum having ascorbic acid, arbutin or kojic acid, vitamin C, niacinamide, etc. These ingredients aid in pigment suppression and skin brightening.

Find the Best Fit Serum

Well, speaking about the serum, each skin type has one of the best serums for your skin. So you can look for the active components in the serum and take up the best serum suitable for you. Go through collections of serum at Dr Saba Qutub collection. See different serum ingredients and find the best fit for you.